Who is the Satisfyer Pro 2 for?

The search for female orgasm has become a common topic in recent years. Professionals in the sector offer different solutions to women to reach orgasm by themselves. Various female sexual wellness devices are being created, evolved and perfected to the delight of those who like to find pleasure on their own. The Satisfyer Pro 2 is one of the new generations of orgasm enhancers and is becoming an icon of sexual pleasure for women. Here is an invitation to the heart of female pleasure and the Satisfyer Pro 2 Air Pulse technology.

What is the Satisfyer Air Pulse technology?

According to numerous studies, the achievement of orgasm in women revolves around the stimulation of the clitoris. Many researchers have therefore relied on this point to develop revolutionary products and devices that revolve around this organ. This is the case for the Satisfyer Pro 2, which is essentially based on this part of the body to give women pleasure. Indeed, it uses the Air Pulse technique to stimulate the clitoris by pressure waves. It is a method without direct contact. This technology consists of trapping the clitoris in a silicone tip and sending the waves by command. The power and intensity of the pressure differs according to the needs of each person and can change at any time. In terms of design, it is made of high quality materials such as silicone, ABS plastic, brushed aluminium and TPE cyberskin. And for some high-end models, they are made with refined materials such as leather.

Why choose the Satisfyer Pro 2?

Among the various models of the Satisfyer range and other vibrators on the market, the Satisfyer Pro 2 is a bestseller. There are many reasons for this. The first is its non-contact method of stimulation using health-safe materials. In addition to the health benefits, these materials are also good looking, as in the case of the TPE used in the interchangeable sleeves, which is closest to the skin. Secondly, the device is silent and can be used anywhere discreetly, even in the bath or shower. It is waterproof to a depth of 1 metre and can withstand water for up to 30 minutes. Its small size of about 17 cm makes it very practical and allows it to slip into your bag without any problem. The device is thus intended for women who want to indulge themselves. Finally, thanks to the Air Pulse technology, the Satisfyer Pro 2 allows you to vary the pleasure or to quickly reach orgasm with the different intensity options and the different power of the waves that you can change as you wish.

How does the Satisfyer Pro 2 work?

As with all sexual stimulation devices, the use of the Satisfyer Pro 2 requires a few rules of use, on the one hand for maximum satisfaction and on the other hand for hygiene reasons by avoiding bacterial proliferation. Its use must therefore begin and end with a thorough cleaning of the device. This can be done with hot water to remove bacteria. Next, ensure that the battery is fully charged so that it is not interrupted during use. If the battery is charged for 3 hours, you can expect to use the device for 4 hours. Place the tip on the clitoris to avoid noise and various inconveniences caused by possible malfunctions. A water-based lubricant is most encouraged, as unlike silicone-based lubricants, it is best suited to condoms and the Satisfyer Pro 2.
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